Sunday, 5 July 2015

10 reasons for an ever more united Europe

These are tense times for Europe and the future of this European Union hangs on the balance, the crisis caused countless misery and the austerity path so strongly defended by the European Commission, the ECB and the IMF as failed to resolve the issues at hand, Europeans have growing doubts about the ability of the European institutions to create a fair society. Europe now faces one of the biggest crisis of democracy and representation in it's history. I see the current muddle of institutions and contradicting interests as a major obstacle to the establishment of true democracy in Europe, to many tiers separate the citizens from the institutions that are supposed to represent them, making them unaccountable, inflexible and opaque, subject to influences that many people see as in direct contradiction with the European principles. The growing voices for reform cannot be ignored, the European Union needs reform, otherwise it will be destroyed by the weight of it's failures to protect the European citizens. I believe the best way for our Union to succeed is to reform and seek ever more integration and here is why:

Because together, the Europeans have a stronger voice in the international arena

In an age of globalization, Europe needs to be able to take on global issues, no single member state has the ability to act independently with a great degree of success. The latest events in the world have exposed a lack of power coming from the European Union, unable to speak at one voice, events like the Ukrainian crisis, the Mediterranean migrants crisis, show that is plenty of work still to be done to increase the capacity of the Union to act decisively, in order to tackle these and other issues head on. With ongoing trade negotiations with the USA, Canada and other nations, the rise of the China and India, the danger of international terrorism, it is only through a stronger union that Europe will be able successfully protect and to get a fair deal to all Europeans.

Because the current intergovernmental system is no longer fit for purpose

Europe as reached a crossroad and the Europeans need to decide were to go from here, the current way on how the Union institutions are organized actually prevents the Union of acting in one voice, particularly the European Council, which is now a nest of nationalistic interests and the biggest institutional hurdle to further integration, power should shift to the European Parliament as a true representative of all European people.

Because Federalism offers a much better balanced deal to all Europeans

There are only two options for Europe, to continue on the path towards further integration or reverse to the original nation-state arrangement. The current arrangement does not serve the best interest of Europe and the Europeans. The principle of subsidiarity is at the heart of the European federalist proposal. Federalism offers a fair deal were the respect of the individual regions are maintained and consecrated while promoting a set of common values and goals to all Europeans, the rise of an European identity.

Because Europe needs to unite monetary policy and economic policy

Currently economic policy fall under the remit of the member states but monetary policy the is responsibility of the European Union under current treaties. These two macroeconomic tools can only be best operated if coordinated. At this moment we witness a European level monetary policy and a member state economic policy, the possibility of these to be coordinated is greatly reduced by the conflicting interest of each member state and much better results could be obtained by greater alignment at an European level.

Because Europe needs the have it's own fiscal system, independent from the member states.
Funding of the European Union is dependent on the payments form the member states, which separates them between the haves and the have nots. The creation of a independent fiscal system would increase the power of the Union and support the creation of truly Pan -European programs of development and social justice.

Because Europe needs a common social policy
If we really want a truly fair and inclusive European society, there must be a wide social policy in all aspects, these policies must reconnect Europe with their social democratic heritage and defend the European values of dignity, equality and fairness. A common social policy would offer social protection to all citizens independent of their location in Europe and greater social justice, a truly European Social-democratic offer to all citizens.

Because the Westphalian notion of the nation state and sovereignty are no longer applicable to the globalization world
Nation state is a dated concept and is no longer valid, each nation is now a participant in a web of relationships, treaties and conventions. Issue like international corporations and trade, terrorism and justice are now a issue that does not have any regards by borders and these issues need to be tackled in an European level to achieve much better results.

Because we need to reconnect the European institutions with the citizens
The current system means the citizens have to rely in the member states governments to represent them in Europe, such representation is mostly about the party interests of the each member state government. The EU must be the standard bearer of a message of hope and democracy, must aspire to transparency and social justice

Because nationalism only caused misery and war in Europe
The crisis and the way in which the EU tackle these issues have increased the citizens disenchantment with the union, the growing extremist political movements, many with nationalistic connotations cater this disenchantment. The EU must offer a message of hope and endeavour to bridge the gap between the citizens and the institutions.

Lastly but principally, because we are all Europeans
We are Europeans united by a common history that goes back thousand of years, the border of the European states have changed constantly over the last millennia, leaving behind the blood and suffering of thousand of Europeans. On the other hand Europa as been the cradle of so many advances and ideas that made the whole world a better place. A united Europe is the biggest gift of peace and concord that the Europeans can offer to the world.

Long live the European Republic


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