Sunday, 9 February 2014

An horrible side of society

I consider myself an European citizen, I saw the development of the EU into the uniting institution it is today. It is perfect? Far from it. Does it needs reform? Definitely. Do I think it is the path for the future? Yes.
In a globalized world the EU represent, by far, the best option towards a stronger position in the world stage. It contributed to one of the longest period of peace in European history, it promotes a united Europe, a more equal Europe, a multicultural Europe, all under the banner of Democracy and respect for human rights. I'm a European citizen that choose to reside in the UK, I have the right to do so, I work and pay my taxes, I have a political voice and I deserve to be heard just like any other EU citizen in any EU country, I defend the right to every person to have a opinion, even if I don't agree with that opinion.
One thing is the right to have an opinion, the other is to use that right to promote xenophobic and racist views. Throughout Europe, a number of movements are rising that are promoting such views, these movements seek to destroy years of tolerance and peace in the name of acquiring power. Don't get mistaken, citizens of Europe, they will turn all your fears against you so they can get your vote and then they will destroy your way of life. All these parties don't have a political plan, all they want is destruction. A war was fought in the world against the forces of fascism, against the voices of tyranny and  racism. From the ashes of war a new world came, a democratic and tolerant world, the EU is the son of the defeat of fascism and the victory of Democracy. Don't let it be destroyed by the intolerant voices of xenophobia and racism.  Is the EU perfect? No. Can you change it? Yes.
The Evil wins when good men fail to act.

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