Wednesday, 14 May 2014

#TTIP/ #ISDS- poisoned present to European democracy?

A lot of ink as been spilled about the ongoing negotiations of the TTIP, many complains about the level of secrecy that has surrounded these negotiations and many accusations about the misleading figures regarding potential benefits of this agreement: TTIP: Politicians Must Stop Misleading Voters with 'Fictional' Figures
Then we have other news: The lies behind this transatlantic trade deal an article of opinion offered by a man that is now very respected for his views on inequality on the 21st century and that for all purposes is just like you and me.  I'm no more than a citizen, my concerns are the same as the citizen next to me: family, job, life, trying to be honest and fair with others, all I want is to have a decent life with a degree of quality. But one of the things that I believe is that ultimately any European democratic state will take the care of the welfare of their citizens and uphold  that goal without reservations.
One of the negotiating table, one of the subjects is ISDS, that for all matters and purposes is being pushed by the US, and would allow  corporations to sue governments for loss of profits, signing such deal would mean to sign away their democratic and sovereign rights.
Governments must not sign away their democratic and sovereign rights

Ultimately, the notion that any corporation can have the right to seek financial compensation from a nation, because a democratically elected government is fulfilling their duty of care towards the well being of their citizens is ludicrous and immoral. 

But this is only my opinion as a citizen...

Joao Da Costa


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